
Posts Tagged ‘siblings’

I hardly ever do these things ( honest!) but a lot has happened over the last week or two (more blogs on that later) so I though I’d give this ago, thanks CK!

1. My brother always says that I’m ‘the adopted one’ despite us all looking like clones of each other.  One Christmas I almost believed him.

2. I’m a grade 8 pianist and played Cello at school to Grade 7. Once, at an orchestra practice I accidentally dropped my bow onto someone else’s cello and it made a massive hole in the side.

3.  I always insist I have no middle name and that my real name is Mary-Louise (with a hyphen) but I just prefer Mary.  In fact I don’t actually think its true (although I will check my birth certificate) and I believe it because if I was ever in trouble mum would shout “Maaaaaryyyylouuuuiiiseeee”

4. I sometimes hated being the youngest sibling and would refuse to go to bed.  My two sisters and brother would take turns each night carrying me up like an aeroplane.

5. Laughing is the best feeling in the world.  I’m sure me and my fella have a very odd sense of humour, luckily we both get each others jokes.

6.  I was going to be called Louise, but my cousin got in a month before me.

7. My parents are the best at fancy dress.  Dad once dressed me up as a Dice.

8. I used to have a high bed as a kid with a desk underneath.  I used to crawl under the desk into the foot wide cavity behind where I would sit with a torch for hours reading The Beano.

9. I wish I had more time for hobbies like painting and playing the piano.

10. When I was 18 I entered some competition and won a sky dive. It was brilliant!

11. I love animals and wanted to be a vet.

12. I didn’t like reading much so I used to make my sister CK read to me at night and would prod her if she stopped.

13. My right knee is particularly knobbly due to Osgood-Schlatter disease when I was a teen.

14.  My mum recently told me, as I put a toy hedgehog out in the pile for car boot, that my Dad scoured the whole country for that toy and eventually got it from Harrods.  Apparently I was adamant that I wanted a toy hedgehog.

15. I was an accident prone child and once fell back on one of my brothers toy aeroplanes and got it stuck in my head.  The 999 staff thought my mum was a hoax as we lived near an airfield.

16. I used to go horse riding every week and would fall off a lot (because I liked going fast, too fast!)  but always seemed to catapult myself when my parents were watching!

17. I have an old suitcase full of pony magazines, posters and rosettes.

18.  I spent whole weekends lining up all my soft teddies (school photo style) across my bed.  They all had names and some would refuse to sit nicely next to each other.

19. I love stationary and would love to work for Paperchase.

20. I got my belly button pierced whilst on a group holiday in Newquay.  It grew out and now I have the holes and a slightly strange scar where the skin went really thin.

21. I am totally useless at remembering what films I have seen, who was in it and also the names of bands/music that I like.

22. I had a massive toy soft dog called Mutsey (thats what it said on his collar). Years later Dad got me the same make of soft toy which looked exactly the same but minature, he is also called Mutsey.

23. I like knitting, making stuff and hobby-craft.

24. My favourite Toy is a bear called The Fonze or Fonzy. I had to perform many operations on his seams to keep him together as a child, he is probably the reason I am quite good at sewing. I still keep him in my wardrobe.

25. My boyfriend planned a massive surprise and proposed on our 10th anniversary (on 27th Feb) and took me to Gordon Ramseys at Claridges for dinner.

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Last Sunday we celebrated my Dad turning sixty with a big ‘eating party’ at the Hardwick House.  My Dad is particularly good at providing a lot of selection when it comes to a big family meal or party, I’m already looking forward to and wondering what delights will be featuring on the ‘Menu for Christmas’ which should be up on the fridge in the next week or two…

Anyway, back to the party! The open house policy (1-7pm) was a good plan, until (probably down to the great food and excellent service from the Hardwick children) most people decided to stay all day, and into the night!

The atmosphere was good fun and all of my parents friends, some relatives and us enjoyed a fabulous feast of chilli, goulash, curry, shepards pie and far too many deserts to mention.

As you can imagine, it was fairly chaotic at times but that sums us up quite nicely really – here’s some pics before the party started: (in case you’re wondering it was my crazy brothers idea to blow trout faces!) and yes, we are all scarily like clones of each other!

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